My husband Phil started a small farm, raising meat and eggs for our friends and family. He started off with one steer and a few pigs. Phil and our 5 boys spent a lot of time together taking care of the animals. Somewhere along the way, Phil was given a few goats to help clear the brush. Then a few sheep, more goats, a few llamas, and emu's. And then they all had babies. Phil's dream of a large farm began.... Phil had some health issues, so we scaled back to raising and hatching chickens and a couple of goats.
After several years, I learned to spin wool to relax from a stressful day at work. After I had a bunch of yarn made, I taught myself to knit. And as if working a full time job running a large company, raising my boys and taking care of my husband didn't keep me busy enough.... I then I started experimenting with making goats milk soap and lotion. It worked so well on my dry skin, I wanted make it available for others.
We have not stopped creating new items to sell!! Phil is still making Jewelry, Bird houses, Drinking horns...
In the past few years, we have added a new love to our lives!!! HORSES!! Check out our page that highlights our horses, and what they have been doing!!!